I’ve spent many nights mesmerized by the depths of our love.

Listening to our memories like an old vintage record. I Always rewind my favorite parts constantly and consistently.

I choose to ignore the scratches and skips even though I know soon the record will give out.

Like when it hit 2:22 the record begins to skip and the true age of our love begins to show.

Like when I once listened simply because I loved you but now I only listen to avoid the silence.

I’m constantly ignoring that One day the record won’t play.

One day I’ll have to lay the record to rest.

I selfishly played our record ignoring its distress in hopes that our single could fix my inner mess. I created my whole identity around loving you.

Without that responsibility I feel like I am nothing.

How can I love myself when you need that love so much more.

How selfish of me to see your pain and not attempt to heal you.

I love you so much that it hurts.

Giving you all I can possibly give in hopes that maybe youll give me what I require.

The record era begins to fade but I’m trapped in a time warped illusion.

Technology advances, my intentions become malice but I’ll listen to this battered record any day over silence.

Every skip and scratch adds character.

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