Dear little black girl;

The one with the really big curls.

You radiate love

You radiate joy

You radiate power.

You are the beginning and the end.

You not only create life but you’ve embodied it.

You are the definition of the word.

Your smile alone illuminates any room you bring her to.

Continue skipping through the world like the lioness you are.

When the world tries to silence you, roar even louder.

Let your voice take up the space it needs and desire.

Youre not only deserving of said space but that space is your birthright.

Dear little black girl;

The one with the really bright smile.

Don’t let them Europeanized your history.

Your ancestors were much more than just slaves.

We were entrepreneurs aversed to what they say.

We were kings and queens and royals.

Dear little black girl;

The one with the really loud voice.

Don’t let them pronounce your name wrong.

You correct them.




If They can pronounce Schwarzenegger,

They can pronounce Shaniqua.

Dear little black girl;

The one with the fierce attitude.

Don’t let them box you into their stereotypes.

When they call you angry you assert yourself more.

You hold your head up and argue your claim.

Never allow anyone or anything to extinguish the flame inside you.

Dear little black girl;

The one I used to be.

When you question your hair

and you’re angry at your skin

remember you are a descendent of royalty.

You are buoyant and can rise above anything.

You are much needed in this world .

Because of our ancestors harnessing all earthly duties on their backs while laying all of their fruition at our feet, life has meaning.

The meaning of life being you.

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