The first time I heard you say you love me was the first time I sensed I was worth something.

How bewitching you were to me.

Lost in the spell, loving you became my purpose.

Hearing you utter those words to me was worth more than I can imagine.

Gluttonous consumption of the lies you have fed me.

Becoming stuffed with make-believe and fantasies.

Failing at everything, I promise to never fail you.

Clutching those words so tightly, my palms begin to bleed and blister.

I will not let up.

Loving you more than myself, hoping one day to have changed you.

Becoming everything you need and more despite how you treat me.

In attempts to make you love me I will love you even harder.

Ripping my heart out and handing it to you as affirmation of my feelings.

Standing here

Heart beating in hand

Waiting for you to love me.

Sacrificing my heart so you’d have two that beats for you.

Piercing my soul with your wondering eyes.

Wishing to steal all the happiness you see else where.

Looting your happiness like you did my concept of love.

Ripping out chunks of my flesh to patch up your deepest wounds.

Becoming your energy source so you can power up then leave me.

Giving her the version of you ive created.

Leaving me a lifeless corpse.

Love is pain.

My definition; You.

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